

At HH Will Writing & Estate Planning we believe in having a fixed fee price for our services. These can be discussed further in your first consultation.

Band 1- Single Will £360, Mirrored £480

This is our most basic Will package; it includes a consultation, a draft Will for you to look over where we can discuss anything you are unsure of as well as making any amendments. A finalised Will is then sent to you to be signed.

Band 2- Multiple legacies £450, Mirrored £540

This band are for those wills which are more complex and/or have multiple legacies. This option is also suitable if you would like to leave instructions with your will.

Band 3- Trusts £480, Mirrored £525

Wills to include a trust to protect against factors which could affect the surviving spouse/civil partner together with the relevant deed to ensure that the jointly owned property is owned in such a way to allow a half share to pass into a trust on the first death.

Option to have your Will reviewed every 5 years or after a significant life event.

Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal tool that enables a person you trust, such as a family member to make important decisions about your health and welfare and your financial affairs on your behalf, should you be unable to make these decisions due to the loss of mental capacity. These are separated into two types:

Health and Welfare £350, Mirrored £525 

The Lasting Power of Attorney that deals with health and welfare aspects, such as where you live, whether in care or otherwise, what you like to eat and even the clothes you wear.

Property and Finance £350, Mirrored £525 

Lasting Power of Attorney dealing with property and financial matters are used to pass the power of attorney over to a family member or someone you trust, so they can make decisions for you and on your behalf about financial issues. They would be then allowed to make decisions regarding selling your house, dealing with any benefits, your bank accounts or investments. They would also be allowed to pay bills on your behalf.

Both £650, Mirrored £975 


If you wish to store your documentation with us for extra security and peace of mind. You would receive a copy of the Will and we would hold the original and online version.

This would be a one-off payment of £50 per Will for lifetime storage.

“Your story is important to us as it will continue to evolve. Our goal is to make it feel right for you because protecting your future is our priority.”

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